And so, It has come to an end. At least for now. Over the course of roughly three months I have written a 78,000 word novel as well as learned a great deal about how to go about getting that published, after a few more drafts are written no doubt. That was my goal for the semester though, to get an idea that had been festering on my brain for five years onto paper and learn what it would take to get it out there, to get it published, even. Who knows what will come of it-maybe nothing, hopefully at least something.
I have especially enjoyed getting to know the publishing world better through a class such as Into Print. Before, I paid little if any to what was going on. The sign of a successful book for me was if it was made into a movie, which I guess is still somewhat true, but I was able to see what a large world publishing books and not only books but the literary magazines and the outlets for poets. All of it was a bigger world than I could have ever imagined it being.
I also enjoy the drama within the world, the debate with ebooks and the classic hard copy choices or the discussions over MFA programs-none of these would have ever crossed my mind prior. I knew I wanted to get into this world, maybe some day even be a part of it and this class has helped me at least start on the path towards both. I have yet to receive any responses on short stories I've sent out, granted I only did this last week (Sorry, its been a hectic one) but I look forward to hopefully forgetting about them and one day being surprised with a letter: an acception or rejection will be fine, simply knowing someone out there read my work is a nice idea.
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