First and foremost I must say that I received a response from Dean Wesley Smith whom I addressed in one of my previous posts as an author whose book I was using as a kind of guide novel while writing my own book. The book is coming along well by the way. We are down to a few weeks left on this thing and I am nearly 40,000 words into it. Well into the final build-up and denouement that I hope will meet all my expectations as I am still unsure exactly what those will be.
When it comes to another response to the media, I decided I would discuss some of the blogs I have found and have been following on here. First up is a few literary agent blogs that I find interesting simply because I am able to read their feelings and reactions to what I hope to someday submit to them. The one I read most often is BookEnds, LLC-A Literary Agent. In her latest post she discusses how exciting it is to have a potential client agree for her to be their agent and when her client gets an offer from a publisher. The author discusses those small moments where the surface breaks and for a split second the professionalism is dropped and the raw joy of what is happening is expressed. It is a touching little entry and I found it rather refreshing to hear an agent having this kind of view. Overall we are given entries on how to find your target market and reading days and fun things of that nature. Needless to say it is a rather light and fun read. Offering a view into a world I can only imagine.
Another Literary Agent I like to read writes the blog entitled Rants & Ramblings-this blog also discussed getting offers from a publisher recently but with the twist of not yet having an agent. In this case, the author gives some points that will help you get through a situation that include having that kind of offer on the table and being unsure what to do with that. Overall this is a very informative blog, each post has information that goes along with whatever the topic may be for that particular day. One post I found very interesting was one where we were given quotes from rejections of famous books. We are treated to rejections of "To Kill A Mockingbird," "The Grapes of Wrath," "The Great Gatsby" and countless other classics. It is an intriguing piece and it gives a little comfort to those who think of rejection as an inescapable disease.
Lastly, both of my blogs have recently gained a follower in an author named M.E. Cunningham. She is an award-winning author, or so her blog says and I found it flattering she found both my blogs and found them quality enough to follow them. Her latest post discusses the beginning of National Novel Writing Month today and how she is completely unprepared for it. Reading through her bio I found it humbling that she decided to become a writer simply because she wanted to and decided if someone else could, she could. It is quite inspiring and to see her blog as it is now, with updates a few times a week it is not overwhelming and there is never a feeling of just having too much to take in, but instead it is homely and accessible and offers a glimpse into what a writers everyday life can be like. She talks not only about the literary world, but more so about her world, a legitimate authors world. That's what I like to hear.
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